As a student designer I had the chance to participate in the creation of several projects with the company Triline, closed to Namur (Belgium). Triline mainly work on the ideation and creation of mechanical scenery for shows and theatres. Scroll down to see some of my participation :)
Solid Trace
Thierry De Mey, Charleroi Danse, Sept. 2015
Thierry De Mey, Charleroi Danse, Sept. 2015

photos credits: Thierry De Mey
"Solid Traces is an installation presented at the opening of the Charleroi Dance s Festival. The concept consists in creating an interdisciplinary installation between science and scenography based on the traces of movements of Set and Reset, a choreography by Trisha Brown.
The challenge is to examine the complex motion-captured mathematic data and turn them into an architectural 3D computer based design, in order to create physical traces of the dancers' movements."
Frédéric Flamand, Ballet National de Marseille, 2013
Frédéric Flamand, Ballet National de Marseille, 2013

Source and photo credits:
"In black, white and aluminium, the titanic work of Frédéric Flamand has lost nothing of its metallic dazzle since its creation in 1992 in Charleroi: the metaphorical poem sizzles, the choreography is unfailing in its elegance, the rhythm frantic, the style baroque, and the set design and the video imagery from the majestic Fabrizio Plessi."